Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Busy Birthday

I turned 32 today, but have not been able to slow down and enjoy it. We are t-minus 10 days from moving to Searcy, AR. It would be nice to say that we are just about packed and ready to go, but that would be a lie. We have been doing some last minute things around the house to complete the sale that have taken more time that we thought. Who knew getting one window replaced could be such a hassle?

It is finally sinking in that we are moving once again. For those of you who know us well you know that we have moved SEVERAL times since we have been married. Some of the moves had to do with changing my emphasis in ministry, being close to family, or simply because it was just time to go. This time is a little different. I feel it a great call and ministry to be able to teach at a Christian university. These opportunities are rare and I feel blessed that this door has been opened.

Even when you get a chance to leave for a good opportunity there are a share of burdens that come with it. We will need to find a new church, new friends, get to know a new neighborhood, start new jobs, and re-adjust to Southern culture. Each of these changes are exciting, but bring anxiety along with it because it means that change has occurred. I am used to the starting over somewhat, but it is beginning to take its toll on me, because we keep making EXCELLENT friends along the way and then leaving.

Some people think that we enjoy moving all the time, but that is not the case at all. I took it for granted that I lived in the same home for 18 years while growing up. So moving has not always bothered me that much. Dana, however, moved several times while growing up so moving equals instability to her. I also keep in mind that Ms. Mikayla will have lived in four states (OH, TN, PA, and AR) in her short four years of life. The child needs a home. I pray that we make Searcy her home for the next 20 years or so.

I think I have finished rambling now. Please keep our family in your prayers as we move and transition to another phase of this blessed life.

1 comment:

Daryl said...

I'll be praying for you guys. Keep us in your prayers as well. We'll be moving to Missouri some time in the next month or so.