Friday, August 22, 2008

I Need To Slow Down

Wow what a week! The past 10 days have been nothing but a blur. Here are a few things we have been up to.

Last Friday Dana and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. The Lord has been more than good to me by giving her to me. We have had many good and bad times together and the Lord continues to bless. Dana has literally followed me around the world in support of me being in ministry. This has not always been easy. We have found ourselves in places and situations that have challenged our marriage. There have been times where it would have been easier to just give up, but we continued to fight on because our marriage was worth it. I do not know where I would be today without the love and support that Dana provides me. She is my friend, lover, and encourager. I thank God for her immensely. I only pray that those who are reading this will be blessed enough to find a spouse like her. I think I will keep her for another 50 years or so.

This past Sunday we attended Holmes Road Church of Christ in Memphis, TN. I previously worked there and we went back to see some good friends. Cameron Holland is the youth minister there and he preached Sunday morning. I must admit that he literally had me in tears as he taught about love and forgiveness in 1 Corinthians 13. It has been an extremely long time since I had a sermon move me emotionally like that. I must admit that I was prepared for “just another” sermon on love because the passage was so familiar, but I was floored by the way he preached from his heart. THANKS CAMERON! You blessed us all by your words and transparency.

This past Monday my baby girl, Mikayla, started preschool. She has been at home with Dana for the past 4 years. She could have stayed home again this year, but the child is a Jones and needs social interaction. It KILLED me to go to the open house because I knew that my little girl was now BIG. The influence that Dana and I have on her will now be challenged by the things she will pick up daily at preschool. I know that every child goes through this process eventually, but it does not make it any easier. I want her to be her protector and her only influence! I know this is not realistic or possible but it does not change my feelings. It is just really hard to trust someone else with the special gift we were given from God.

Well this is just a little peek into our lives this past week. Next time I will talk about my orientation and first week at Harding. God bless you.

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