Monday, September 07, 2009

Praying for Our Leaders

1 Timothy 2:1-2. “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

I have tried not to say too much about the Obama address for tomorrow, but recent situations that I have been involved in have changed my mind. I believe that it is a disgrace the way many people are dealing with the Obama speech to the schools. Many people are in an uproar about this speech and are holding their kids out of school so that they will not have to listen to the message. Many have written their local schools and asked for it not to be shown. I believe all of this has been done out of fear and pure ignorance.

I have been among people who share the same faith background as me who think that his message is negative. They feel it is better for their kids not to have this negative influence in their life. They act as if it their 'Christian' duty to protect their kids from the "evils" of Obama, but the way they have gone about it is nothing Christ-like at all. What kind of message do we think we are sending our children when are encouraging them not to listen to the leader of our country. We are telling them inadvertently that we should only respect those who agree with us. That simply is not the message of Christ!

As a Christian I need to be praying for my leaders. As a Christian I need to teach my children about discernment. As a Christian I need to discuss with my children how to make good decisions and educate them on why other choices can be harmful to them. All of this can be accomplished without becoming hypocritical and displaying a negative attitude before our children.

I pray that each of us can actually listen to the message before passing judgment. If we can accomplish this then we can set an example for our children instead of filling their head with prejudice propaganda that does not lead to a life of holiness.

Take a minute and read the message

You may be surprised that it is not so evil at all.


Unknown said...

You're telling me that you don't think that telling kids to work hard and stay in school is a partisan message crafted by a secret Muslim, non-citizen, white-people hating, socialist, bi-racial antichrist? Who's ignorant now?

Mike J. said...

By the way the previous comment is to be taken with a grain of salt...scratch that a lot of salt.

Pablo y Raquel said...

excellent post!!
I've been so sad to see the reactions of so many around me. I thought it was an excellent speech. We homeschool, but I plan to show it to my children.

Mike J. said...

I appreciate it!