For this reason I ask your forgiveness
I am tempted to share my shortcomings with others, but not sure how to do it because of the fear of rejection. The role of minister is extremely public and many have unrealistic expectations of me. It seems many want me to live up to standards that they lack themselves. If I have a bad day then I am being "defensive." If I disagree with someone then I am being "stubborn." If I want to try something new then that makes me "liberal." I feel that I do not have the freedom to speak my heart and that is really killing me.
Lord I pray that from this day forward I will not be concerned about what others think of me. Help me to be only concerned about how you view me and my actions because really that is all that matters in the long run. Help me to be authentic in all my relationships regardless of the cost or discomfort it may bring me. I know that this is the only path that will bring me the freedom that I truly desire.
I also pray for the wisdom to make the right decisions and discern where you are leading me spiritually. I know that if I follow you then I will never go wrong.
Thank you so much for the wife you have sent me. She is my greatest encourager and friend. I thank you also for my children who remind me of the love you have for me and my need for patience. I thank you also for the friends and family who you have put into my life. They have been there as I have fallen, encouraged me to get up, and hold me accountable in my responsibility of following you.
It is in the blessed name of Jesus that I send this prayer to you.
authenticity at its best.
We love and appreciate you and Dana so very much.
I was completely blown away by your comments. My husband is also a minister and you are held to a higher standard. I went to a "Ladies Day" today and one of the sisters made a statment about ministers wives and she said, "God made us all. We all have problems, we all go through trials and tribulations and we need to stop expecting ministers & their wives to live up to our standards but we all need to live up to God's standards." Keep the faith and may God bless you & Dana and my grandbabies. Much Love
I Can identify with the mike jones prayer. A prayer is one of God's greatest gifts to man.
It is central to letting God know where you need the greats support and understanding.
Michael Jones is my son and I'm proud to know that he has chosen God for the real answers to strength.
May we all learn to take our cause to God!
Thank you michael and thank you dana, but greast of all thank you God for sending us three sons to use in your kingdom.
submitted by Robert n. jones, madison Street Church of Christ, Lexington, Tennessee.
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